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SEXPERT a Challenging Quiz that Expands Your Insight

SKU: 8717703521580


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Do you know more than your teammates about love and sexuality? Then you are the ultimate sex expert: the Sexpert!

Tease & Please expand its successful series of love games with a challenging quiz about sexuality and love. Test your sexual knowledge by drawing question cards in turn. The questions are wildly different and refreshingly surprising—and may even open new doors for you. Last but not least, almost every card provides juicy details that expand on the answer, making this quiz-like game not only fun but also educational for everyone. Unfortunately, there are still many taboos and prejudices regarding sexuality. SEXPERT knocks it all down, once and for all.

The game contains over two hundred question cards (some illustrated), a game board, six pawns and six answer tokens. The strict, sexy teacher in the box will get your brains flowing and, just like the old days, might even inspire you to do your best — if only to impress her. Players take turns taking a card from the pile. The card may contain an open-ended question, a true-or-false question, or a multiple-choice question. Some cards, players will answer on their own. Others are for the whole team. Whether you know a lot or a little, whether talking about sex makes you blush or your ears prick up: you’ll always learn something new when you play SEXPERT!

Sample questions:

– Which position burns the most calories (for the active partner)?

– Right or wrong ? Women who often wear very high heels have more intense orgasms.

– In what specific case does a man produce semen that contains up to twice as much sperm as normal?

– Men also have a G spot.

Where is ? SEXPERT expands not only players’ knowledge and insight, but also their freedom to discuss sexuality. Tease & Please combine the expertise of sexologists, user experience experts and their own staff to pack this exciting game full of exciting events. Fun, events and excitement guaranteed!